CSRio and partners publish the article “Improving land management in Brazil: A perspective from producers” in the journal Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment

The article elaborated by CSRio in partnership with other institutions entitled “Improving land management in Brazil: A perspective from producers”, that was published on March 1st, 2017 in the journal Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, is the first study to systematically assess the barriers to and the conditions surrounding the adoption of good agricultural practices in Brazilian pasturelands from the perspective of the farmers from the Amazon biome involved in the implementation of these practices.

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CSRio and partners publish the article “The role of natural regeneration to ecosystem services provision and habitat availability: a case study in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest” in the special volume on natural regeneration of Biotropica Magazine (Volume 48, Issue 6)

The article “The role of natural regeneration to ecosystem services provision and habitat availability: a case study in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest” investigated the benefits of natural regeneration for climate change, sediment retention and biodiversity conservation through a

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CSRio and partners publish the article “Natural regeneration and biodiverisity: a global meta-analysis and implications for spatial planning” in the special volume on natural regeneration of Biotropica Magazine (volume 48, issue 6).

The article “Natural regeneration and biodiversity: a global meta-analysis and implications for spatial planning” conducted conducted a meta-analysis for tropical regions and quantified the relationships between both ecological and socioeconomic factors and biodiversity responses in naturally regenerating areas, and presented a case study for the Atlantic Forest on the influence of the forest code for the environmental adequacy.

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CSRio and partners publish the article “Reconciling Rural Development and Ecological Restoration: Strategies and Policy Recommendations for the Atlantic Forest” in Land Use Policy Magazine

The article shows that the Paraitinga Watershed, an important area located in the Atlantic Forest and responsible for the provision of several Ecosystem Services, has great potential for reconciling productive activities and natural resources conservation. There is, in the region, a great potential for increasing cattle ranching productivity, contributing for sparing areas for other uses such as restoration. For doing so, it is essential that policies are implemented in order to assure no negative effects of increased productivity occur, as well as to assure restoration success.

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