Rogério Oliveira completed his graduation in Social Communication at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, his master’s and doctorate in Geography at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, and two postdoctoral degrees. One was in Environmental History at the Alpen-Adria University, Austria (2007) and the other was in Historical Archeology (2015) at the National Museum (UFRJ). He is a retired Associate Professor at the Department of Geography and Environment at PUC-Rio and a member of the faculty of the Graduate Program in Geography and the Professional Master’s Degree in Sustainability Science, both at PUC-Rio. He is a senior research fellow at the International Institute for Sustainability. He was a member of the Professional Masters in Urban and Environmental Engineering at PUC-Rio / Universidade de Braunschweig and was a collaborator of the Graduate Program in Environmental and Forestry Sciences at UFRRJ. His main interest is the study of interactions between society and nature over time. His research combines approaches from Historical Ecology, Landscape Archeology, and Environmental History. He is a senior research fellow at the International Institute for Sustainability.
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