Considering the opportunity that the use of sustainability indicators brings to the evaluation of social, environmental and socio-environmental projects, the biologist and master in Sciences, Ana Marcela Bergamasco, presented her research on available indicators used for this kind of projects and by funders. Relevant insights on project monitoring and evaluation were also presented.
The presentation occured by video conference on May 14, 2020, from 17:00 to 19:00.
Ana Marcela is a biologist and has a master’s degree in Sciences from the University of São Paulo USP. His first master’s degree was focused on the evaluation of endocrine disruptors in water sources and supply in the State of São Paulo through bioindicators and bioassays. Recently, she also became a master in Biodiversity in Conservation Units at the National School of Tropical Botany of the Botanical Garden of Rio de Janeiro, whose research addressed the analysis of indicators used to evaluate socio-environmental projects used by executing institutions and project financiers, looking for indicators sustainability. In her professional career she was a consultant in Projects at IBAMA-Pnud, evaluating ecotoxicological aspects of pesticides as well as a consultant at PAHO with the Ministry of Health, evaluating contaminants related to risks in water for human consumption. Since 2012 she has been an Environmental Analyst at Petrobras, where she has worked in research through bioremediation projects in contaminated areas, as an appraiser, and in the social responsibility and socio-environmental investments sector, as project manager. A few months ago, she started to act as manager of a portfolio of socio-environmental projects financed by the company focused on different thematic lines such as forest and water conservation, as well as conservation of marine biodiversity that include environmental and social co-benefits.
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