The CSRio seminar welcomed the biologist and PhD Ecology candidate, André Lanna, and the geographer and environmental educator, Chico Schnoor, whose presented the opportunities that long-distance trails brings to a more sustainable society.
In the lecture “Caminho da Mata Atlântica: a great trail reconnecting people, forests and protected areas”, André and Chico highlighted the immediate benefits that trails bring to sustainability, such as encouraging physical activities in natural environments, engaging volunteers, promotion of the production chain and, especially, how trails promote the restoration of biodiversity corridors. These themes were discussed in the scope of the Caminho da Mata Atlântica, a trail of over 4,000 km along the entire Serra do Mar diversity corridor.
The presentation toke place via videoconference on June 25, 2020, from 17:00 to 19:00pm.
About the speakers:
André Lanna has a degree in Biological Sciences (Zoology modality) from UFRJ (2011) and a master’s degree from the Postgraduate Program in Animal Biology at UFES (2015). He is currently a doctoral student in the Graduate Program in Ecology at UFRJ and volunteer at Caminho da Mata Atlântica. He has experience with ecology and conservation of medium and large mammal communities. His studies involve population viability analyzes of muriquis in a fragmented area and variation of the medium and large mammal community along the elevation gradient of the Serra do Mar Corridor. The developments of the studies aim to subsidize decision making in environmental restoration planning, especially in biodiversity corridors.
Chico Schnoor is a geographer with an MBA in Management from PUC-Rio and has been working with environmental education in conservation units for 16 years. As an adviser to Mosaico Carioca of protected areas, he helped with the first planning and implementation of the Transcarioca Trail. He is currently a volunteer at Caminho da Mata Atlântica, working to strengthen the production chain and engage volunteers in the state of Rio and the North Coast of São Paulo.
The meetings are open to the public, and the debate followed by the presentation will be conducted in an open and participatory manner. No prior registration is required. Information: contato@csrio.org.
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