Basic and Applied Research

CSRio is a centre for research on biodiversity conservation and sustainability, with the aim of developing basic and applied research on conservation and sustainability science for:
Centre for Network Synthesis

CSRio operates as a traditional centre with its own multidisciplinary team and as a centre for network synthesis, organising and hosting studies with experts and national and international institutions of excellence for:
With the final goal of effectively integrating nature conservation into public and private decision-making processes
Lines of Research

- Integrated and dynamic socio-ecological systems
- Incentive mechanisms for conservation (including financing)
- Perception and Valuation of Nature
- Global conservation analyses
- Ecosystem services (water, climate regulation, protection landslides etc)
- Systematic Conservation and Restoration Planning
- Multi-criteria spatial strategy
- Modelling and simulations of land use scenarios
- Geoprocessing and dynamics of soil use
- Impacts, Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change
- Sustainability Science and Indicators
- Traditional populations and conservation
- Relationship between conservation and human development
- Social aspects of conservation economics and restoration
- The city of Rio de Janeiro as a complex socio-ecological system
- Ecological Restoration
- Relationship between society and nature, including historical aspects
- Nature and Human Health
- Sustainability Ethics