It is with great pleasure that we announce the return of the Seminars of the Center of Sciences of the Conservation and Sustainability of Rio (CSRio) in 2019!
At the CSRio Seminars, we sought to discuss themes related to biodiversity conservation and sustainability, with keynote speakers. In this semester, the meetings will take place bi-weekly on Thursdays from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Auditorium Rio Data Center (RDC), PUC-Rio. The first seminar this year will be on March 21st.
Conducted by Agnieszka Latawiec and Ingrid Pena, this meeting will present “Innovative pro-environmental approaches that transform landscapes on a large scale”, based on experiences and ideas that have created conditions, spaces and processes that have opened paths towards socio-environmental sustainability.
The meetings are open to the public, and the discussion followed by the presentation will be conducted in an open and participatory way. A certificate will be sent to participants who request it. Questions and information: contato@csrio.usuarios.rdc.puc-rio.br
Agnieszka Latawiec is a Professor of the Geography and Environment Department of PUC-Rio, coordinator of the Rio Conservation and Sustainability Science Center (CSRio), co-founder and Executive Director of the International Institute for Sustainability (IIS). She is a MSC in Environmental Protection with a specialization in soil and plant chemistry and a PhD in Environmental Sciences from the University of East Anglia (UK) where she investigated the incorporation of bioavailability in decision making on contaminated land. She is a “Cientista do Nosso Estado” (Faperj), Research Producer in Level 2 (CNPq) and was awarded the Newton Advanced Fellowship of the Royal Society with the project “Sustaining the earth from the bottom up: developing a conceptual model of valuation of ecosystem services for tropical soils “. In recent years, she has focused on broader aspects of land management, participating in and leading interdisciplinary projects and research mainly with: soil science, land use change and management, modeling, decision making, impact assessments, indicators and science of sustainability.
Ingrid Pena is a researcher at the Rio Conservation and Sustainability Science Center (CSRio) and Research and Projects Assistant at the International Institute for Sustainability. MSC in Territorial Development and Public Policy (UFRRJ), specialist in Environmental Management, Bachelor in Tourism and Undergraduated student in Biological Sciences. She has experience in research and socio-environmental projects as consultant, researcher and tutor. She works from an interdisciplinary perspective in several themes, with emphasis on socio-environmental aspects and knowledge exchange, mainly with the following themes: socio-environmental aspects of land use, territorial development and Protected Areas, public use in Conservation Units, Social Memory, Heritage and Tourism.
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