IIS at UN Biodiversity Conference 2018
CSRio coordinator Bernardo Strassburg presents at the Fourth Forum of Science and Policy at the United Nations Biodiversity Conference (CBD-COP14) in Egypt from 19 to 27 November. He is the keynote speaker at the session “Unfolding the 2015 biodiversity vision”. The objective of the session is to translate in tangible terms – in relation to science, politics and society at regional and global levels – the vision for biodiversity by 2050 “Living in harmony with nature – By 2050, biodiversity is valued, conserved, restored and wisely used, maintaining ecosystem services, sustaining a healthy planet and delivering benefits essential for all people.” “Bernardo used as a basis for discussion the article on the mass extinction of species in the Cerrado published in Nature Ecology and Evolution: Moment of truth for the Closed hotspot.
He also joined the panel discussion of the session “Current and predicted biodiversity status”.
On the 27th – the “Forest Landscapes and Restoration of Ecosystems Day” – Bernardo Strassburg was one of the speakers at the session “Taking stock of global opportunities for the forest landscape and restoration of ecosystems”, presenting “Opportunities for implementation of Aichi Target 15 for Biodiversity.” Bernardo exposed the pioneer work developed by CSRio for Global Prioritizaties for Restoration and Associated Outcomes.
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