The Atlantic Forest recovers

The Atlantic Forest recovers

Renato Crouzeilles, associate professor at CSRio, spoke to CBN Jornal about the study of the Pact for the Restoration of the Atlantic Forest, which identified the recovery of 740,000 hectares of forest. It was the first time that it was possible to quantify the size of the restoration of the flora. The goal by 2020 is to recover 1 million hectares.

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Reforestation: 740 thousand hectares of Atlantic Forest are recovered from 2011 to 2015

Reforestation: 740 thousand hectares of Atlantic Forest are recovered from 2011 to 2015

The study published by the PACTO for the restoration of the Atlantic Forest in the last week – which shows that large-scale restoration is already happening in the Atlantic Forest – was  broadcasted by Globo News TV last week. The analysis, led by CSRio associate professor Renato Crouzeilles, identified the recovery of approximately 740,000 hectares of forests. The goal is to reforest 1 million hectares by 2020. The Pact for the Restoration of the Atlantic Forest is a movement created in 2009 by companies, government agencies, civil society organizations and research centers to stimulate the restoration of 15 million hectares of degraded areas in the biome by 2050. The work involved more than twenty authors from ten different institutions.

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Bernardo Strassburg is interviewed by “Jornal Nacional” on the report of the Intergovernmental Platform for Scientific Policies on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)

Bernardo Strassburg is interviewed by “Jornal Nacional” on the report of the Intergovernmental Platform for Scientific Policies on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)

IIS´s director Bernardo Strassburg was interviewed in the “Jornal Nacional” tele newspaper last Monday (06/05) about the UN report released this week that warns of the human impact on nature. Bernardo is one of the co-authors of the study which concludes that nature is declining globally at rates unprecedented in human history  – 1 million animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction.

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Preserved forest worth more than deforested land, study says

One hectare of forest standing in the Amazon provides services worth R $ 3,500 per year. These are called environmental services: supply of water, regulation of climate, maintenance of soil fertility, prevention of erosion and pollination of crops. In addition to the impact on health, tourism and biodiversity itself, which were not priced. The same hectare deforested for livestock would give a profit of R $ 60 to R $ 100 per year. If used for soybeans, the value will be from $ 500 to $ 1,000 per year. The point is that environmental services benefit agribusiness in general and society as a whole, in a long-term perspective. Livestock and agriculture gains are immediate and go directly into the owner’s pocket, which increases the pressure for deforestation. Based on these data, in a recent interview for the newspaper O Globo, CSRio´s coordinator  Bernardo Strassburg explains why standing forest is worth more than deforested land. “From a nacional perspective, it does not make any sense to deforest more than has been done until now. Deforestation is a bad business,” observes Bernardo

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