Rafael Loyola

Rafael Loyola

Rafael holds a Ph.D. in Ecology from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp). He is a professor in the Department of Ecology at the Federal University of Goiás, CNPq level 1A research productivity fellow, member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, and executive coordinator of the Brazilian Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Rafael has a solid background in ​​people and project management and extensive knowledge in fundraising and structuring research and development projects. He has more than ten years of international experience, having developed projects and published works with institutions in dozens of countries. Rafael was the science director at the Brazilian Foundation for Sustainable Development (FBDS), where he was co-responsible for strategic planning, institutional relations, fundraising, and team management. He has authored more than 200 scientific publications, including 12 books, and acts as an expert on business and biodiversity for the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). At CSRio, he is a Research Associate.

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Carlos Alberto Scaramuzza

Carlos Alberto Scaramuzza

Carlos Alberto de Mattos Scaramuzza has thirty-three years of professional experience in conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, developing technical advice, scientific research, and project management. Focused on bridging the gap between technical and scientific research and practical applications, he has been involved in the implementation of public policies and project and program management. His areas of expertise include conservation biology, vegetation and landscape ecology, biogeography, land use dynamics, GIS applications and environmental modeling; ecology of rainforests, savannas and grasslands. He is also a specialist and certified instructor in Open Standards for Conservation Practice and Professor at the Professional Master in Sustainability Science, at the Department of Geography and Environment, at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). He was part of WWF-Brazil team from 2003-2012, as Landscape Ecology lab coordinator and Thematic and Regional Programs Director. From 2013 to 2017, he worked in the Secretary of Biodiversity in the Brazilian Ministry of Environment as Director of Ecosystem Conservation Department, responsible by the national public policies development related to sustainable use and systematic conservation planning of Brazilian Biodiversity. At IIS, since 2019, he has acted as technical director ahead of the Biodiversity Conservation and Restoration area, coordinating projects, inter alia, on public policies and implementation of ecosystem restoration, biodiversity monitoring; good practices for biodiversity in the reforestation and mining sectors; and integrated landscape management; climate litigation, and environmental modeling.

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Mariela Figueredo

Mariela Figueredo

Biologist graduated from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC – 2006), Master in Botany (2009) and Ph.D. student in the Professional Postgraduate Program of Biodiversity in Conservation Units, at the National School of Tropical Botany of the Botanical Garden of Rio de Janeiro. She is specialized in Project Management (Castelo Branco University – 2013) and in People Management (USP – 2021). She has been working for approximately 10 years in the coordination and management of socio-environmental projects financed by national and international funds, with a focus on conservation, restoration, and sustainable development. She has experience in managing teams, developing projects to attract funding, liaising with stakeholders and establishing strategic institutional partnerships, and implementing improvements in project management processes and organizational policies, among others. She is a professor of the Professional Master’s Degree in Sustainability Science at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), linked to the Center for Science in Conservation and Sustainability in Rio (CSRio), leading the discipline of Sustainable Projects Management.

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Rogério Oliveira

Rogério Oliveira

Rogério Oliveira completed his graduation in Social Communication at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, his master’s and doctorate in Geography at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, and two postdoctoral degrees. One was in Environmental History at the Alpen-Adria University, Austria (2007) and the other was in Historical Archeology (2015) at the National Museum (UFRJ). He is a retired Associate Professor at the Department of Geography and Environment at PUC-Rio and a member of the faculty of the Graduate Program in Geography and the Professional Master’s Degree in Sustainability Science, both at PUC-Rio. He is a senior research fellow at the International Institute for Sustainability. He was a member of the Professional Masters in Urban and Environmental Engineering at PUC-Rio / Universidade de Braunschweig and was a collaborator of the Graduate Program in Environmental and Forestry Sciences at UFRRJ. His main interest is the study of interactions between society and nature over time. His research combines approaches from Historical Ecology, Landscape Archeology, and Environmental History. He is a senior research fellow at the International Institute for Sustainability.

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Amanda Ronix

Amanda Ronix

Amanda Ronix has a degree in Chemistry with a Bachelor’s degree from the State University of Maringá, a Master’s in Chemistry and a Doctor of Science – Chemistry concentration area – from the Graduate Program in Chemistry at the same university. She has experience in the area of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, working mainly in the preparation, characterization and sustainable applications of carbonaceous materials such as biochars, hydrochars and activated carbons from biomass residues. At IIS, works as an analyst of data related to soil carbon sequestration, soil recarbonization, biochar and carbon market.

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Eduardo Neto

Eduardo Neto

B.S. Agronomy, M.S. and Ph.D. in Soil Science, Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ). Professor of Soil Science (2021-2022), at Soils Department – UFRRJ, teaching sustainable land management, soil classification and soil physics. Develops and executes research on soil genesis and classification, soil carbon, land use management and application of pedological concepts and tools to solve environmental problems. Quaternary Geology Specialist by Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), developing research on soil formation, organic soils, landscape evolution, and pedological records of climate change. He is engaged in interdisciplinary research for sustainability, soil carbon, ethnopedology, soil ecosystem services and science communication projects on soil science education. As a researcher at the International Institute for Sustainability (IIS), develops activities related to soil carbon sequestration, soil recarbonizing methods, use of biochar in climate change mitigation and carbon market.

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