Designer graduated from Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM-Rio) and Advertising graduated from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), has always sought to participate in relevant initiatives for social and sustainable development.
Her work in research began in high school, in 2015, with a pibic junior scholarship, with works presented at USP and UFRJ. At university level, maintained her interest in research, presenting results at the congress Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação – Intercom.
She was an extensionist at Open Knowledge Brasil (OKBR), an organization that promotes free knowledge and develops civic tools; and at Moboo, a research group on bamboo bicycles and industry 4.0. She led the creative team as art director at ESPM Social, the institutional nucleus of ESPM Rio that also works as a university volunteer agency.
Participates in the Canva Creator program since April 2021 and has experience in the areas of design, social media, marketing and innovation, having joined GAI – Gerência de Ambientes de Inovação at Casa Firjan. In IIS, acts as a communication and design assistant.
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