The next CSRio Seminar, on wednesday (5), will debate “Social Innovation, Popular Education and Agroecology” with Prof. Cristhiane Amâncio, who will present his experience in the transfer of social technology and implementation of intervention methodologies in rural communities.
Cristhiane is a PhD in Social Sciences with emphasis in Development, Agriculture and Society by the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) and works in the areas of Rural Sociology, Popular Education and Methodologies of Intervention in Rural Communities. She is a researcher at Embrapa and professor of the Post-Graduate Program in Territorial Development and Public Policies at UFRRJ.
In the last 10 years he has developed works with traditional riverside populations in the Pantanal Sul Matogrossense and professional artisanal fishermen. Currently works with family farmers and traditional communities, studying about sociology and rural extension.
The event is free, open and will be held in the auditorium of Law (B8) of the Frings Building, at PUC-Rio. A certificate will be issued to participants who request it.
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