The next CSRio Seminar, on May 2, 2019, Ana Paula Pegorer de Siqueira, will present the “Experience of the Rio Rural program and Agroecological Transition in the Northwest Fluminense”. The event will take place at 4:00 p.m. in the auditorium Rio Data Center (RDC), at PUC-Rio. Ana Paula has been involved in the Sustainable Rural Development Program in Hydrographic Microbasins (Rio Rural) for 7 years, specially with the training strategies and methodologies used, the challenges and the results of the agroecological transition with family farmers in a region with great climatic challenges, the Northwest Fluminense .
The meetings are open to the public, and the discussion followed by the presentation will be conducted in an open and participatory manner.
No prior registration is required. A certificate will be issued to participants who request it. Questions and information: contato@csrio.usuarios.rdc.puc-rio.br
All are welcomed!
Ana Paula Pegorer de Siqueira is an agronomist graduated from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (1992), Master in Sustainable Rural Planning and Development – FEAGRI / UNICAMP (2008) and PhD candidate in the Graduate Program in Science, Technology and Innovation in Agriculture (PPGCTIA), Binational Doctorate – UFRRJ- Brazil / UNRC-Argentina in progress. Founding partner of the company Agroecologia Rio Ltda, consulting in Agroecology and Sustainable Rural Development. From 2011 to 2018, she worked as a consultant for the PESAGRO-Rio Agricultural Research Company in Rio de Janeiro, as coordinator of the Research, Innovation, Technologies and Sustainable Services Network in Hydrographic Microbasins – of the Sustainable Rural Development Program in Hydrographic Microbasins – RIO RURAL . He has experience in the Implementation of Participative Systems of Organic Guarantee and for more than 20 years in agroecological technical qualifications. Experience in Organic, Natural and Agroecology Agriculture, with emphasis on Participatory Methodologies and Agroecological Management of Soil and Agroecosystem. Between December 2014 and February 2019 he was the Technical Coordinator of ABIO, the Biological Farmers Association of Rio de Janeiro, the 2nd largest Participatory Organization for the Evaluation of Organic Conformity – OPAC of Brazil with 46 groups of farmers and more than 700 organic production certificates .
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