One of the CSRio researchers, Renato Crouzeilles, is participating in a research project to that aims to improve the understanding on social perceptions and legal frameworks in tropical countries that base forest conservation, management and restoration strategies in order to provide water and hydrological services. The team is composed by researchers from University of São Paulo (Brazil) and Leuphana University (Germany). We would like to invite you to take part in our research study.
Sustaining ecosystem services important to humans while providing a dependable water supply for agriculture and urban needs is a major challenge faced by managers of human–dominated watersheds. Forests have been considered as water providers, but its management does not only depend on our ecological scientific knowledge. Social and legal aspects are also critical, and constitute the human dimension of watersheds. Decisions made on forest management would simultaneously depend on: (1) perceptions of local people about the importance of forests for water-based ecosystem services and, (2) legal frameworks that specifically determine land tenure regimes and the permitted or prohibited activities within the watershed.
It is being developed a survey to gather insights from all people with collaborative experience across all forest in the tropics worldwide. We estimate that it will take approximately 20 minutes to take the survey, and we greatly appreciate your time and assistance.
Please use the link below to submit your responses:
Please forward the survey along to your respective networks, collaborators, and colleagues. We think that you all will have much to contribute.
Note that participation is entirely voluntary and responses will remain confidential.
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